Madeira Tear-Away Cotton Soft Stabilizer - White

Producer: Madeira
Producer product No.: 9436
Barcode: 4003760982001
16,95 (€ 5,65 / m²)
inclusive of VAT +


The Cotton Soft stabilizer from Madeira is lightweight, soft, and tears away easily. It serves as a universal embroidery base for all fabrics, preventing fabric distortion during embroidery and curling of fabric edges. The stabilizer is made from untreated cotton without any additives and has a natural white color.

Ideal for:

  • Machine embroidery
  • Appliqués
  • Buttonholes
  • Decorative stitching
  • Transferring quilt patterns 

Product dimensions: 30 cm x 10 m

Weight: 50 g/m²

Color: White

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